Brand Safety made easy with A.I.

Leading platform that monitors online conversations worldwide and provide unique solutions that safeguards your brand’s reputation, tackle PR crises, and gather deep market intelligence.

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Global Brands Trusted
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Languages Covered
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PR Crises and Market Intelligence Projects


EARFUL predicts, prevents & tackles PR crises by our Brand Safety System.

Social Listening

Social Monitoring

PR Crisis

Brand Safety

Market Intelligence

Market Research

Step by Step Flow

  • 1

    Crisis Scenario Planning and Strategies

    With the help of our insights team and analysts

  • 2

    Keyword Set-Up

    With suggestions from the EARFUL system and our keyword planning team

  • 3

    Channel Selections

    Select based on brand needs and high priority channels

  • 4

    Real Time Alert

    Set alerts for specific situations

  • 5

    Automated Reports

    Receive reports related to your brand weekly or monthly

Full Suite of Brand Safety Capabilities

Social Listening - World's First "Video Listening" Included

Besides monitoring text-based materials, EARFUL goes above and beyond to detect brand mentions in audio visual media.

Global Brand and PR Consultancy

Understand brand reputation through customers’ online feedback and delivering an exceptional brand experience.

Fraud Detection (Scam-X)

Detect fake websites and social media impersonating your brand.

Neutralization Automation

Identify and alert brands of potential PR crises, generating relevant positive and neutral content, comments, articles, reviews that help neutralize negative sentiment, amplify positive news.

A.I. Generative Content Blast

Utilise A.I. to generate captivating content and tailor existing material to suit a variety of social media platforms.

Market Intelligence

Gather market insight and discover emerging market trends to create marketing campaigns and accelerate brand performance.

Use Cases

Data Intelligence

Market Research

Brand Management

Crisis Management

EARFUL hears them all

Featured On


Why not sign up for a personalized demo? Request one now to discover the dierent features of our consumer intelligence platform and our insights experts will present new insights relevant to your business.
Our team of solution experts will help you migrate your data and configure your social listening account according to your use cases. You can then start tracking your data in real time directly on your personalized dashboards.
Our customer success team and insights team will provide onboarding help, insights, consultations, and suggestions across the onboarding process.

If you pick the wrong plan, you can switch plans at any time (even during your trial). Pick the plan that seems like the best fit and try it on. You can always change your mind.

You can speak with our business development or insights team to find out a scope that fits your business.
Online payment methods include major credit cards. Subscriptions above HKD$10,000 can also be settled via bank transfers, wire transfers, cheque, and other local payment methods. If you have an alternative payment method that you prefer apart from the above mentioned, please consult with our team.

Try it yourself

Contact us to unleash the full power for EARFUL.